Flute Events

Arcomis promotes and enables the commissioning of new music, hosts an online collection of new music scores and stages world-class international music events, the next of which will be the Brass Event in October 2013.

The Flute Event 2011: a music festival for everyone

The Flute Event was held in Cardiff Bay’s iconic arts venue, Wales Millennium Centre, between April 1-3, 2011. During the weekend there were concerts, workshops, masterclasses and special events given by some of the world’s finest musicians. The event was for everyone: professionals, students, children and the public.

The event contained celebrity recitals, masterclasses, workshops, demonstrations and special performance events to appeal to everyone from active or aspiring professionals to students, those new to the instrument and the general public. 

Further Information

The printed and online Arcomis Flute Albums were launched in 2012.